Foster Love
We prioritize caring for orphans and vulnerable children, viewing support for foster and adoptive families as integral to our Gospel mission. Recognizing the high turnover among foster parents and its impact on children, we emphasize the role of Care Communities. These groups of 6-8 committed individuals provide essential assistance and mentorship, ensuring stability for children in need.

Since the first year K2 existed we have partnered with Iglesia en Transformacion in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Each year we feed, disciple and love on the children from one of the poorest communities in Honduras called Los Pinos. It has been amazing to watch all that God has done in years we have partnered together. We look forward to continuing to see God capture hearts and transform communities as we serve side by side.
Since 2012, K2 has sponsored over 200 orphans in the village of Ekudzeni. We have helped build a well and church, as well as provided shoes, education, and basic medical care. You can sponsor a child or serve missionally with K2 in Ekudzeni. Follow updates on our work in eSwatini on the Ekudzeni Carepoint & K2 Community Facebook page.

Food Bank and Clothing Closet
Every second Saturday, K2 the Church collaborates with Southeast Christian Church to organize a Food Bank and Clothing Closet event starting at 9:00 a.m. Guests are invited to browse through the Clothing Closet for new and gently used items before conveniently receiving groceries directly into their vehicles by driving through and popping their trunks at the Food Bank.
Homeless Outreach
K2 the Church hosts a homeless outreach event every quarter, providing essential support such as meals and clothing for individuals in our community.

Christmas Shoppe
This joyful, store-like experience is a day of fun for the whole family with food, family portraits, and activities for the kids – and the most exciting part is the parents have the opportunity to personally choose and purchase gifts for their children at significantly reduced prices.